Most respected Bal Yogi ji Maharaj was born on Ganga Dassehra Parva on 22nd May, 1941 at Bannu (West Pakistan) in Chandana Family. Shri Tota Ram Chandna and Smt. Sohani Devi for their pious deeds in previous birth were blessed with a divine soul. After the partition of India against all odds, they started living in Lonia Mohalla. His childhood name was Bhushan. He had a great love for Thakur Puja, and Ganga Snan. He was fond of worshiping cow since childhood and remained always close to Gayatri and Geeta. He went to school himself despite the fact that he had supreme vision for bhakti and devotion even in childhood. During school days, His love for God, poetry and other rituals were not hidden from any one. When he was in eighth standard one saint from Badrinath visited he informed him about the mysteries of life and announced that our Guru was like a 'King without Crown'. It appeared that he had some deep connection of his previous birth. That saint made some more predictions and disappeared. On 6th Sept, 1954 our Guru occupied the Aasana at the age of 11 years. Maha Mandaleshwara Shri. Advait Prakash ji Maharaj of Kamal Dass Kutia gave him Guru Diksha. As the seed contains the complete tree, leaves, stems, branches, flowers and fruits, like that our Guru has the seeds of saintly characters and Sanskars right from the beginning. In the close association of the Sadguru, and proper environment our Guru became curious to learn the intricacies of spiritualism. Sadguru was delighted to have such an amazing disciple whom he chose to spread knowledge of religious reverence and shower supreme bliss to his followers.
Our Guru was decorated with a new name of "Sarvdasa" by his Sadguru. Sh. Govinda Nand of Shanshahi Ashrama bestowed him with the degree of "Bal Yogi". Kishori Lal ji was his Kulguru. Right from childhood our guru was bestowed with blessings of saints and sages. And thus he was equipped with Divya Drishti (divine vision) in such a manner that in all situations for everyone and at all places his mere sight was enough to teach and preach.
Our Guru had a magnetic attraction. That is why the dignitaries from far off places, jungles, caves, Peethadhishawars, Shankracharyas and bhajan singers of high caliber used to get attracted towards him at their own. How can I praise the luck of the devotees and followers of my Guru for those even without meeting him were able to get the benefit of his Dharshanam. Who is not aware of his strong willpower?
1.Never touch the money throughout life.
2.Never make any disciple throughout life.
3.Not to construct any Ashram in his own name and any other property in his name.
You will not find an example of such disenchantment with the worldly objects. His Sadguru was greatly influenced by devotion and dedication of his disciple. During his school days, Mr. Miller a teacher had a great love for him. He used to understand his situations and feelings. Our Guru saw his departure from the world with little eyes so closely that it left a deep impression on his heart. Later on, the wife of his elder brother died leaving behind orphans. His mother who was the true reflection of motherly love and blessings, was also an inspiring strength and emotional support to him when she also merged her individual soul with the supreme, there was a great sorrow due to these demises. This sorrows converted into Yoga. Suddenly in the heart of this little Yogi new religious thoughts of highest order started taking birth. Who can harm anyone? Who can protect whom? All this is happening in a natural process. It is the 'Brahama' who is the creator of this universe and the Lord Shiva a destroyer and the whole worldly energy is sub merged in this universe. With these thoughts Sadhna started touching new heights. It is not possible to attain these heights for everyone. It is one of the rarest path on which everyone cannot walk.
My mind is like a sleeping bed made up of threads of worries
And my desolation (virha) is the bed sheet and the bed cover I use.
Oh! God please have mercy on me and come to see at least once the miseries of my life.
Our forehead (mind) is like the reverse well. And in between the two eyebrows lies the divine light.
At this place there are constant vibrations where Divya Jyoti emits light continuously throughout day and night and through all the twelve seasons. This light can be visualized by an enlightened person who can listen to these silent vibrations. Not everyone but only the lucky can receive the benign blessings and enter into deep Samadhi. At that time the sense of disenchantment takes a flight:
When our soul merges with supreme there is a strong desire to do so.
It takes a flight to such an height that the worldly pleasures seem to be of little importance.
This urge takes us to the newer heights when the disenchantment alone is keen to meet Him. For such a supreme merger he continuously spreads the wings of eternal love. At this stage the meta physical world simply looks like an act of leela.
The feeling of self surrender was so strong that it increased the curiosity, restlessness, hollowness, eyes full of tears and insomnia etc. These symptoms were strong enough to break the heart and drain out the worldly attachments. Under these situations through heart, speech and actions one feels like surrendering at the feet of Lord Krishna. This is the state when the complete sense of disenchantment reaches at the highest level. Where self merges with Him. All of a sudden, out from the slumber, Guru could observe that the supreme lord was before him. We can simply imagine that :
When the soul merges with supreme then it assumes the same 'Swarupa' and becomes one entity.
Like a drop of water when merges with the ocean becomes oceans in itself.
This is the state of supreme realization. At this stage the Sky, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Constellations, the Nature and all living things become part of supreme soul.At this blissful state of mind one realizes that there is nothing beyond supreme soul. A supreme bliss with extreme realization of spirituality culminates at this stage.
This is the state when nature, life and sub-consciousness swings like a rainbow. One realizes an immense source of energy with a new life from this universe from every corner and of course from within one self:
There was a time when our Guru used to dance like Chaitanya Maha Prabhu, played the musical instruments, used to bring and pull the wooden Stambha in the procession, performed pilgrimages and spent hours together doing discourses. Through his own hands distributed the winter clothes to several persons. His magnificent speech surprised many great saints when he used to address them and other devotees in the gathering by addressing them 'Apno se Apni Baat' (Personal talks with our close ones), and using Manva Babu (Thyself). He used to open his heart for his devotees. His religious revelations have become happy memories and his dreams became true. When he used to say, impress upon and act:-
1.One must constantly examine his actions so that he is not deviated from his goal. One should always remember his God and leave everything upon Him.
2.After excessive enjoyment of worldly pleasures the beginning of yoga takes place.
3.How much can you enjoy the pleasures? With this the previous memories of yoga and deeds also continue.
4.God has given you beauty, brain, art and other qualities from his part. So why to be proud of.
5.Why you count yourself separate when you are already a part of Almighty. This is the biggest mistake we commit.
6.All religious books and Granths are meant for instructing others but for oneself only single word is sufficient.
The repair work of the Bhavana was started by you. This is the place where the wishes of lacs of people are being fulfilled daily. Each and every segment of the building may it be, Maa Bhadra Kali, Sri Radha Krishan Vigreh, Sri Duneshwar Mahadev, Sri Sinduriya Hanuman ji, the great Stambha of Ashtdhatu, Anapuranam Bhandara, Raen Basera, Gupt Baba ki dukan, Hanumant Vatika, Hanumant Gufa & Vrindavan in Gopal Bhavan is supported by the history behind them. How can I describe my Guru?
In daily discourses, my guru mentions about the service of Saints, Bhrahmins, Daridra Narayan, birds, animals and all types of insects with great respect. The service includes arranging marriages of poor girls, to providing education to the needy, financial aid to orphanage, ashram for the widows and the patients. The trust is doing everything for disabled persons and other helpless people. In this Bhavan everyone whether newly weds, new born children, elderly persons, rich and poor, learned and illiterate, healthy and unhealthy, all get the same treatment, love and belongingness.
Your benign blessings are always with us. Only we are not the receptors to receive the same. If we are polite, full of feelings of surrender and remember God and death only then we slide down from the height of our ego only then we will be benefited. Ego and arrogance saps the truth of life. If we leave it then we will be as pure as dew. On this dew drop we can see the entire universe through our minute vision. We cannot learn the religious manuscripts without the blessings of Guru. Guru Nanak Dev Ji has rightly said in Gurubani:
Sharir Chatt, Man Kotha,
Jiska Ghar Tin Diya Tala,
Kunjji Guru Sau Pai,
Anik Upay kre Nahi Pave,
Bin Satguru Sarnai.
We have only one prayer :-
Patit Pavan Bana Dhareyo, Tume Hamari Laaj
In the court of Guru we only demand, devotion and love for our Guru. For a long time he remained silent by observing Maun-Vrata. This is also his leela and we with little knowledge cannot analyse. Swami Ram Tirtha has written like this:
Ab Likhne Bolne se Ekdam Dur,
Bhashno se Vidai, Naam, Yash se Bemukh
Pratishtha, Ninda, Sab Arth Heen
I cannot distinguish between Sat Guru and Supreme.
Sat Guru is the synonym of transcendental form of God. It is the true reflection of his incarnation.Oh! Guru we are at your mercy and take care of us.
At the end while giving a pause to my speech I would like to tell the new generation that our guru is an invaluable gem. They should not consider him an ordinary person.
At the end of Mahabharta Lord Krishna ordered Arjuna to get down from the chariot. And from the same chariot lord Krishna also boarded down. Then the chariot immediately burnt to ashes. Similar is our situation, so long our God is our Guardian, He is taking care of us and is protecting us at all occasions. Therefore:-
Khaak Dar ki Mile Yeh Mukaddar Mera,
Isse Badhkar Bhala kya Saugaat Hai.
At the end another two words,
Rabb Da Rutba Aapani than te,
Guru Da Rutba Vakh,
Rabb Nu Tarse Atma,
Guru nu Tarse Akkh
Duniya Vich Vdd Mulle Dovan De Deedaar,
Sab Ton Vadda, Sab ton Aukha,
Ek Khuda ek Yaar.
I will bow in the feet of my Guru and surrender before him with flowers in my hands to offer my humble tribute of words.
Thank you
Jai Shri Krishna
By: Dinesh Arora
Trustee Chandigarh |